Solar for Grid Backup

As the electric grid becomes more unreliable, solar with on-site energy
storage provides a solution.  Recent battery advancements allow for high capacity electricity storage in a small footprint, and these batteries can be charged and discharged thousands of times over a period of years. 

During daylight solar panels charge the batteries and provide electricity to the loads, and any excess can also be sent to the grid for credit.  Batteries provide electricity during low light periods/nighttime.  If batteries are of sufficient capacity (and matched to solar generation capacity), all of the electric needs of a home or business can be met, even when the grid is down.  Alternately a smaller system can supply electricity to reliably power critical loads.  A system can take the place of a generator, or a generator can be used to supplement solar during grid outages.


Besides the benefits to the environment and backup for grid outages, solar reduces electricity bills all year long.  Don’t hesitate to contact Verdexent today to discuss all the considerations for your unique situation.

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(310) 770-4666

Malibu, CA  90265