Verdexent offers solar energy consultation, design, permitting and installation.  Systems include roof- or ground-mounted photovoltaic modules (solar panels), and grid assist and battery-assist systems.  We can design and install systems with or without on-site energy storage (batteries).  For Malibu and other locations which experience frequent grid outages due to Public Safety Power Shutdowns (PSPS), wildfires, aging infrastructure or other causes, a LiFePO4 battery system is recommended.  This will also allow for peak shaving between the hours of 4 and 9 pm, when rates are highest.  Even when the PV panels aren’t producing power, the batteries can cover all or part of the electrical useage during the highest rate periods.  And any excess generated power can be sold to the grid, offsetting your electric bill.

We are a local Malibu company composed of PhD chemists and engineers.  We have worked for the government and private sector since the 1980s in the field of alternative energy and environment.  Not only do we understand the science and latest commercial developments, we have experienced first hand the unique needs of Southern California and areas subject to the threat of wildfire.
Please call us if you would like to discuss potential applications for your unique situation. 310-770-4666

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